Friday, June 16, 2017

Why is it that the liberal/leftists love the Muslims but hate the Jews?

This appears on the surface as a truly perplexing concept, Muslims kill indiscriminately—in fact are ordered to kill non-Muslims by their faith. They are into child rape and pedophilia, totally disregard the rights of women and not only hate, but kill gay and lesbians. These appear, on the surface, to be bleeding-heart liberal causes, but they are not. Liberals are so deceptive in their evil motives that they would rather protect the Muslims who abuse these rights than the victims they target.

For liberals, Muslims are the newest cause. They declare that Islam is a religion of peace and those so-called refugees are victims of extremist, un-Islamic views held by a tiny minority. Utter non-sense! For starters if the extremists were the minority why would the majority have to flee? Think about it, it doesn’t make sense. Secondly, what better way to get radicalized, trained jihadists into the West than by claiming they are refugees? Yet the liberal, brain-washed masses hold rallies for these thugs, trying hard to get these terrorists as their neighbors.

Perhaps even more deplorable is the recent revelation that liberal lefties sent death threats and hate filled threats to Jewish community centers disguised as right-wing bigots. Smart in the regard that they were instilling fear in the Jewish community, which they hate, whilst pinning the blame on honest conservatives. It shows their insidious craftiness, painting President Trump supporters as neo-Nazi thugs tied to true patriots. The truth is much more sinister.

Lefties always program their compassion for human rights, however, actions speak much louder than words. It is no secret that liberals hate the idea of Israel and would gladly give up this grate country and culture to terrorists. This is because they see the Jews as oppressors in Israel. However, everyone knows the real reason for their dislike of the Jewish state is that it is the home-base of anti-socialism. Think about it—which groups in history (besides the Muslims) most terrorized the Jews? It was the Russians, both before and after their communist revolution, and the Nazis, who were National Socialists. So, let’s connect the dots, the liberals are definitely socialists, socialists hate Jews, therefore liberals hate Jews.

This makes sense if you think about it. The Jews have a plan to take over the world through their control of the media and financial institutions. Liberals lost elections because the biased media still couldn’t swing enough electoral college members to Clinton. Secondly, liberals hate financial institutes. Therefore, they hate Jews and love authoritarian, sharia law loving Muslims while detesting the progressive, modern Jews.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Death of Detroit and the link to Radical Islam

The mainstream press and politicians state that the fall of Detroit was because Americans couldn’t complete with foreign car makers. Detroit is perhaps the buckle of the rust belt, having lost nearly 70% of its population over the past two decades. This loss is usually attributed to the automobile industry but if you look closely this just doesn’t add up. Honda and Toyota build more cars in the US than they import. So why can’t American auto makers make it here? The answer will astound you—it’s Radical Islam.

It may be hard to believe, but Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit, has the highest concentration of Muslims in the US. Recently, an imam who lives there was linked to the London Bridge attack (not the one where it fell down, but the one with a van and knives—if only the UK had a second amendment if would have easier to stop these knife wielding killers). As a result of the number of Muslims it is not uncommon that large swaths of Detroit have become no-go zones to the police. Armed groups of Mad Mullahs, the Islamic religious police, roam the streets imposing sharia law on the residents, Muslim or not. I have even heard reports that Christians were required to pay the jizja to “be protected.”

It was this imposition of sharia law, and not the failure of the auto industry that led to the failure of Detroit. It is a matter of time before this practice spreads. This is why we need President Trump to fulfill his campaign promise to ban all Muslims from entering the US, and to stop any more refugees from entering the country. Remember, there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, only one that knows his/her religion and is willing to die for it, or those who don’t know what Muhammad commanded of them.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Islamic Bigotry

There have been a lot of so-called news coverage over anti-Islamic activity in the US and the West in general. Well, a lot of it is phony baloney. Today I went and checked it out myself at a filthy mosque in Durham, NC. Check it out:

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Appearance on Coyote News Network

Hello to all my fans.  This morning I appeared on Coyote News right before my talk at NYU.  Coyote correspondent Gwen Jennifers called me brilliant.  I love that network!!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Untrue Media makes Victims of Islamic Terrorists

It is downright shameful the way that the untruthful, mainstream, or as my good friend Sarah says it, the Lame-stream media is more focused on the terrorists who committed these horrible attacks in the UK and not on the victims.  Some networks, not the good ones, go so far as to organize their own Islamic anti-terrorist protest.  Of course, no Muslim would appear at such an event.  Islamic theology forbids going against the Quran and that is something the terrorists have on their side.  Islam absolutely commands the Muslims to kill all unbelievers until there are only believers left.  Yet we see daily on the news the blood-thirsty beasts and how they were inspired.  This is insane.  The press is focused on interviewing Muslims who then explain how these ‘good’ Muslim boys had gone astray.  But the reality is they have not gone astray and the interviewees are sending out messages to inspire the ummah.  The press even tries to claim that members of the Islamic community warned authorities about the extremists, but what do they mean about authorities?  Muslims would not ever see British police or other officials as authorities, but only dirty Kafirs.

Portland Story-Telling

We have been deluged with the details of the so-called hate crime in Portland by the left and its tool, the mainstream media.  This is looking more and more like the disgraceful charade in Sandyhook, where the left killed children--I'm sure they called it late term abortion--in an effort to infringe on all Americans' right to bear arms.  Now we have Portland, where a so-called white supremacist was ranting "anti-Muslim" speech and then slaughtered two "good Samaritans" and injured a third.  If this story were true I would have to presume that the attacker was a Muslim.  This is a favorite trick of the followers of Muhammad--pretend to be a Christian and then do something awful to cover up the disgusting things that Muslims do everyday.  And this appears to have worked--the press as covered it as expected and even President Trump has condemned the so called bigot.  But as a trained (self-trained at least) expert on Islam, this is a classic ruse.  The prophet of Islam allowed his followers to pretend to be what they are not in order to carry out terror attacks on his behalf.  It is amusing to me that the press hasn't but together that the so-called perpetrators name is Christian.  The irony is laughable.  This was clearly one of CAIR's operatives training to gain sympathy for the murdering marauders who call themselves Muslims.

Why is it that the liberal/leftists love the Muslims but hate the Jews?

This appears on the surface as a truly perplexing concept, Muslims kill indiscriminately—in fact are ordered to kill non-Muslims by their fa...